216 research outputs found

    "Five Keys to Safer Food" and COVID-19

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    On 11 March 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and, up to 18:37 a.m. on 9 December 2021, it has produced 268,440,530 cases and 5,299,511 deaths. This disease, in some patients, included pneumonia and shortness of breath, being transmitted through droplets and aerosols. To date, there is no scientific literature to justify transmission directly from foods. In this review, we applied the precautionary principle for the home and the food industry using the known 'Five Keys to Safer Food' manual developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and extended punctually in its core information from five keys, in the light of new COVID-19 evidence, to guarantee a possible food safety tool

    The Tapeworm and Maria Callas' Diet: A Mystery Revealed

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    Maria Callas' diet, also known as the tapeworm diet, is a non-food-based hazardous treatment. This study aims to justify whether Maria Callas used this treatment for weight loss. To investigate this, we searched in the 'white', 'grey', and 'black' literature. The historical facts about the use of tapeworm pills seem to be inconsistent and include fake news. In the case of Maria Callas, it has been confirmed by her biography and personal communications that she was diagnosed with a beef tapeworm due to eating uncooked meat. This discredits the hypothesis that she consumed tapeworm pills

    GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease prevalence of which is high and continually growing. Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in patients with T2DM. The prevention of cardiovascular complications and the cardiovascular safety of treatments should be a primary objective when selecting treatment. Among all the drugs available, the compounds known as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) appear to be not just innocuous in terms of CVD but indeed to be beneficial. GLP-1 RA actions not only translate on an improvement of well-known cardiovascular risk factors such as glycaemic control, dyslipidaemia, weight, or arterial hypertension but also might show benefits on endothelial function, coronary ischaemia, and heart failure. On the other hand, recent clinical trials aimed at studying cardiovascular episodes have been conducted with GLP-1 RAs. Only liraglutide and semaglutide have shown superiority in cardiovascular benefit compared with placebo. Although many of the mechanisms by which liraglutide and semaglutide produce a cardiovascular benefit are still unknown it would be desirable for these benefits to be incorporated into the therapeutic algorithms routinely used in clinical practice. The purpose of this review is to explore GLP-1 RA actions not only in cardiovascular risk factors (glucose, weight, and hypertension) but also the possible effects on established cardiovascular disease

    Diseño de una explotación biológica extensiva de caracoles (hélix aspersa) en La Muela (Zaragoza)

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    El presente trabajo aborda una posible explotación de caracoles de la especie Helix aspersa, con un sistema de cría biológica extensiva. De esta manera, se presenta una introducción, –a modo de “estado de la cuestión”–, a partir de la revisión de las fuentes bibliográficas de la Helicicultura en España, así como de una memoria con sus correspondientes anejos, pliego de condiciones, estudio de seguridad y salud, planos y presupuesto. El resultado de este análisis es el diseño de una explotación donde trataremos de recrear un microclima de condiciones óptimas para el desarrollo y crecimiento del molusco. El consumo del caracol como animal comestible se remonta a los albores de la humanidad. Restos de conchas han sido encontrados entre los cúmulos de huesos y otros alimentos de las primitivas poblaciones humanas, en grutas y cavernas, –que hace millones de años–, fueron la morada de nuestros primitivos antepasados, tal y como ya mencionan Cuellar et al. (1991). Los romanos y griegos, en palabras de Fontanillas (1986), –no sólo fueron consumidores de caracoles–, sino que también fueron los primeros criadores. Tal y como apuntan Cuellar et al. (1991), Cayo Plinio el Viejo en su Monumental Historia Natural, se refiere ya a las clases comestibles de estos gasterópodos, y Marco Terencio Varrón (116-27 a de J.C.), menciona en una de sus obras, que el primer parque helicícola fue diseñado por Fulvio Hirpinio, con anterioridad a la guerra sostenida entre César y Pompeyo. Varrón, señala en sus trabajos las condiciones que debían reunir las instalaciones: sitio sombreado, fresco y húmedo -que no fuera un río- y cerrado para impedir fugas; recomendaciones que, por otra parte, no difieren especialmente de los principios fundamentales que hoy en día se preconizan por los criaderos actuales. Recomienda además, que cuando las condiciones naturales no sean propicias, se superen artificialmente, provocando rocío obtenido "por medio de un tubo terminado en un cierto número de protuberancias, lanzamos con fuerza agua, que al caer sobre una piedra, salpica gotas por todos lados". Cuellar et al. (1991). Posteriormente, los autores relatan, que el ya citado Fulvio Hirpinio mejoró aquel procedimiento, introduciendo los caracoles debajo de tiestos invertidos y agujereados, procurando engordarlos por medio de una alimentación intensiva embadurnando el interior de las vasijas con harina diluida en agua o vino. Será a partir del siglo XIX, cuando empiece a extenderse el consumo del caracol usando diferentes sistemas de cría, que nos permiten hacer una división en dos grandes grupos: •Criaderos al aire libre (explotaciones extensivas) •Criaderos en recintos cerrados (explotaciones intensivas). Fontanillas y García-Cuenca (2002) indican que el problema de la producción de proteínas animales a un costo razonable es un tema de gran importancia. Las circunstancias actuales, de crisis económica generalizada, impulsan la introducción de los helícidos en el mercado de producción de proteínas junto con los bóvidos, suidos y aves de corral, ya que los helícidos, –con poco gasto de instalación y una mano de obra no excesivamente cualificada–, son capaces de proporcionar carne de óptima calidad económicamente viable. De acuerdo con esta premisa, elaboramos un proyecto donde el promotor (Carolina Naya Franco), encarga al futuro Ingeniero Agrónomo, Miguel Merino García-Valdecasas, el diseño y la descripción del ciclo productivo de una explotación de caracoles, cuyas características desarrollaremos a lo largo del presente trabajo. Como conclusión a la introducción, citamos las palabras de Rossi y Rudolf (s.d.): "Hoy en día la Helicicultura es una realidad agronómica reconocida por los entes públicos e institucionales, muchos de los cuales (regiones y comunidades) han legislado a su favor y el mercado, ya capaz de absorber la producción ha ido creciendo y abriendo nuevos y consistentes espacios de consumo. El 75% está cubierto por la importación de los países del Este, en los cuales, estacionalmente, tiene lugar la recogida natural"

    Guiding losses estimation in hydrogel-based waveguides

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    A method based on the photographic recording of the power distribution laterally diffused by cationic electroactive network (CN)-based hydrogel waveguides is first checked against the well-established cut-back method and then used to determine the different contributions to the optical power attenuation along the hydrogel-based waveguide. Absorption and scattering loss coefficients are determined for 450 nm, 532 nm and 633 nm excitation

    Interplay between Intestinal Bacterial Communities and Unicellular Parasites in a Morbidly Obese Population: A Neglected Trinomial

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    Obesity is an epidemic causing a metabolic health crisis. Herein, the interactions between the gut prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities, metabolic comorbidities and diet were studied. Stool samples from 56 subjects, 47 with type III obesity and 9 with type II obesity and cardiovascular risk or metabolic disease, were assessed for the richness, diversity and ecology of the bacterial gut community through metagenomics, together with the study of the presence of common unicellular eukaryote parasites (Blastocystis sp., Dientamoeba fragilis and Giardia intestinalis) by qPCR. Clinical information regarding metabolic comorbidities and non-alcoholic hepatic fatty liver disease was gathered. To assess the quality of the patients' diet, each participant filled in three dietary questionnaires. The most prevalent parasite Blastocystis sp. (46.4%), together with D. fragilis (8.9%), was found to be associated with higher mean diversity indexes regarding non-colonized subjects; the opposite of that which was observed in those with G. intestinalis (16.1%). In terms of phyla relative abundance, with Blastocystis sp. and D. fragilis, very slight differences were observed; on the contrary, G. intestinalis was related to an increase in Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria, and a decrease in Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, presenting the lowest Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio. At genus level, Blastocystis sp. and/or D. fragilis was accompanied with an increase in Lactobacillus spp., and a decrease in Akkermansia spp., Bifidobacterium spp. and Escherichia spp., while G. intestinalis was associated with an increase in Bacteroides spp., and a decrease in Faecalibacterium spp., Prevotella spp. and Lactobacillus spp., and the highest Bacteroides spp./Prevotella spp. ratio. Participants with non-alcoholic hepatic fatty liver presented a higher Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, and those with type 2 diabetes displayed a significantly lower Faecalibacterium spp./Escherichia spp. ratio, due to an overrepresentation of the genus Escherichia spp. The presence of parasites was associated with variations in the richness, diversity and distribution of taxa in bacterial communities, confirming a gain in diversity associated with Blastocystis sp. and providing different functioning of the microbiota with a potential positive effect on comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Future basic and clinical studies should assess the beneficial or pathogenic effect of these eukaryotes on obese subjects and focus on deciphering whether they may imply a healthier metabolic profile

    Somatostatin and Somatostatin Receptors: From Signaling to Clinical Applications in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are heterogeneous neoplasms which arise from neuroendocrine cells that are distributed widely throughout the body. Although heterogenous, many of them share their ability to overexpress somatostatin receptors (SSTR) on their cell surface. Due to this, SSTR and somatostatin have been a large subject of interest in the discovery of potential biomarkers and treatment options for the disease. The aim of this review is to describe the molecular characteristics of somatostatin and somatostatin receptors and its application in diagnosis and therapy on patients with NENs as well as the use in the near future of somatostatin antagonists

    Terminology and classification of miracle slimming diets: A narrative review and new proposals

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    Introduction: In the last years, confusing or misleading use of the term called miracle or magic diets, using to weight loss treatment, has increased, along with several classification of them. Objectives: The purpose of this narrative review is to discuss miracle slimming diets and proposal new term and new classification for these diets. Methods: A narrative review up to September 2021 was carried out in the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Knowledge. Furthermore, this strategy was complemented with a comprehensive search of the 'grey' literature [7] based in four different searching strategies: i) grey literature databases, ii) customized Google search engines, iii) targeted websites, and iv) consultation with contact experts. Results: Our proposal is to use the new concept called hazardous slimming diets defined as diets that propose rapid weight loss (> 1 kg/week), to be performed effortlessly, without the super-vision of a medical/nutritional professional, excessive energy restrictions and/or exclusion from the di-et of food or nutrients for the body. Furthermore, the development of a new algorithm reflected as is possible to classify the diet as non-effective, hazardous and effective diet. Conclusions: Our review could help to classify and develop a new terminology about the miracle slimming diets focusing in the knowledge to guarantee the quality in the treatments for weight loss


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    Introduction: Altitude dolichomegacolon has been a little studied entity, despite being relatively common inour environment, which is why it is also called Andean colonic disease, its chronic evolution and its probabilityof developing obstructive and ischemic complications make it a significant pathology. Sigma volvulus is aconsequence of dolichomegacolon that occurs in more than 40% of patients who have not been treated in timeand require special management. Objective: Describe a case of dolichomegacolon undergoing laparoscopic sigmoidectomy. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study, clinical case presentation. Results A case of dolichomegacolon undergoing laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is described. This is a 70-yearoldpatient who presented a chronic case of constipation and abdominal distension of more than 20 years ofevolution, who presented with repeated severe abdominal pain, for which he received pharmacological  treatments, with magaldrate, simethicone, and laxatives, among others, and diet modifications, foods rich infiber and fructose were added, carbohydrates decreased, etc. With the objective of alleviating the obstructivesymptoms, he was never operated on despite the fact that he was hospitalized on 2 occasions, since he wasmanaged only with evacuating enemas without further improvement in the symptoms. Because such anadvanced progression of the disease was allowed, it was complicated with a sigma volvulus that had novascular compromise, but needed surgical resolution, after the case analysis, after complementary diagnosticstudies and in controls with Internal Medicine. He decides to schedule a surgery to give a definitive solutionto the pathology. Conclusions: The main complication of the Andean dolichomegacolon is the volvulus. Andeandolicomegacolon volvulus represents 54% of intestinal obstructions and 78% of colon diseases in the Andesregion. Most of this complication requires surgical resolution to alleviate the symptoms of the patients andavoid the development of comorbidities associated with the time of evolutioIntroduccio?n: El dolicomegacolon de Altura ha sido una entidad poco estudiada a pesar de ser relativamentecomún en nuestro medio, por lo que tambie?n es denominada enfermedad colo?nica andina, su evolucio?ncro?nica y su probabilidad de desarrollar complicaciones obstructivas e isque?micas la vuelven una patología deconsideracio?n. El vo?lvulo de sigma es una consecuencia del dolicomegacolon que ocurre en más del 40% delos pacientes que no han sido tratados a tiempo y requieren manejos especiales. Objetivo: Describir un caso de dolicomegacolon al que se le realiza sigmoidectomia laparosco?pica. Material y me?todos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, presentacio?n de caso clínico. Resultados: Se describe un caso de dolicomegacolon al que se le realiza sigmoidectomia laparosco?pica. Setrata de un paciente de 70 años que presento? un caso cro?nico de estreñimiento y distensio?n abdominal de másde 20 años de evolucio?n el cual se presentaba con dolor abdominal intenso a repeticio?n por lo que recibio?tratamientos farmacolo?gicos, con magaldrato, simeticona, laxantes, entre otras, y modificaciones de dieta, seañadieron alimentos ricos en fibra y fructosa, disminucio?n de carbohidratos, etc. Con el objetico de aliviar elcuadro obstructivo, nunca fue intervenido quirúrgicamente a pesar de que fue hospitalizado en 2 ocasiones, yaque se manejo? solamente con enemas evacuantes sin mayor mejoría del cuadro. Debido a que se permitio? unaprogresio?n tan avanzada de la enfermedad esta se complico? con un vo?lvulo de sigma que no tenía compromisovascular, pero necesitaba una resolucio?n quirúrgica, luego del análisis del caso, luego de estudioscomplementarios diagno?sticos y en controles con Medicina Interna se decide programar una cirugía para darlesolucio?n definitiva a la patología. Conclusiones: La principal complicacio?n del dolicomegacolon andino es el vo?lvulo. El vo?lvulo pordolicomegacolon andino representa el 54% de las obstrucciones intestinales y el 78% de las enfermedades delcolon en la regio?n de los andes. En su mayoría esta complicacio?n requiere una resolucio?n quirúrgica paraaliviar los síntomas de los pacientes y evitar el desarrollo de comorbilidades asociadas al tiempo de evolucio?n

    A first approach to earthquake damage estimation in Haiti: advices to minimize the seismic risk

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    This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.This work was developed thanks to the financial support of the Technical University of Madrid, through the series of projects SISMO-HAITI